Stephen William Hawking – World-renowned Physicist Who Defied The Odds

Stephen William Hawking’s work includes cosmology. He is also a writer and was director of the University of Cambridge cosmology department from 1979 to 2009 A brief history was a bestseller for 237 weeks. With his popular science ideas and explanations of cosmology, he has received success on television.

Stephen Hawking, born in Highgate, London, began school at Byron House School on 8th January 1942. He blamed school for his inability to read during the time he spent there. In the year 8 he attended St Albans girls high school.

He went to St Albans School as soon as he was able to pass the eleventh class earlier than other students. Hawking’s family prioritized school. It was important for the Hawkings to have Stephen attend Westminster School. However, the 13-year old wasn’t feeling well on the day of his scholarship exam. Stephan’s family was unable to afford the high school tuition fees. To pay them, they would need to apply for financial aid or scholarships. The good news was that he lived with friends, who were also interested in board games. Stephen was an intelligent man who loved to go to school. If his parents could afford to send him, he might have become a successful person. Amyotrophic lattic sclerosis was discovered in him when he turned 21. Simple nerves were shutting off his muscles. When Stephen Hawking’s diagnosis was made, doctors said he would only have 2 and a half years to go.

Stephen Hawking was 76 years old when he died in January of this year. While he was still at Oxford, he began to have health issues. He would fall and trip or slurred his speech. However, he didn’t pay much attention until 1963 when he started his first year of Cambridge. Stephen kept the secret from his family. Then, when Stephen’s father began to notice the odd behavior, he took him into the doctor.

The 21-year-old student spent the majority of his month at the clinic, where he underwent multiple tests. Doctors told the student and his parents that he had ALS. It has affected him throughout his life. Stephen William Hawking’s role is inspirational. He has shown that people can achieve anything, regardless of their disability.


  • emmawillis

    Emma Willis is a 31-year-old blogger and professor. She has a passion for writing and teaching, and loves exploring new ideas and sharing her insights with others. Emma is a natural leader and motivator, and has a gift for helping people discover their own potential. She is also an avid learner, always looking for new ways to improve her skills and knowledge.